Kyra has joined the faculty of the Department of Theatre and Dance at the University of Vermont, teaching acting.
Kyra is currently teaching private voice lessons as an affiliate with the School of Music at the University of Vermont.
Kyra will be offering her course “Embodying Choices for the Actor” this winter at Middlebury College. #somaticintegration #agencyinperformance #everythingalltogetheroneatatime
TEACHING ALEXANDER ON ZOOM IN A PANDEMIC: Kyra had a busy winter term in 2021. In addition to private practice, she is about to return to teach Alexander to young acting students at the American Academy of Dramatic Art this semester through July (hybrid group class). Additionally, she is guest-teaching an Alexander technique module in Acting I at Tulane University. Kyra also guest-taught at the Fuller Theological Seminary in Houston, TX, teaching preachers in a class called Embodying the Word.
This Friday! If you missed the Object Movement Festival online, you can see it here, along with a bunch of other insanely creative puppet work not-for-kids:
Due to the pandemic, the Object Movement Festival moved online. Hopefully, we’ll get to perform the full excerpts of these pieces live in the sanctuary at the gorgeous Center at West Park when it’s safe to do it, but for now, it’s a film. Available online through September 7th.
One performance left! Tuesday 6/18/2019 at 7 pm, Westbeth in the (Bell Labs) Boardroom, 463 West St. ste 1209. $25 or use SOFIVIP for a disc.
So-Fi is produced by Jody Christopherson with Nate Gebhard, Janet Bentley and Grace Flavien.
“BlueBeardGasLight” was conceived and written by Kyra Miller. Originally incubated at the Muse Project (Jocelyn Kuritsky AD). Its original incarnation was directed and co-written by Katie Pearl at the Flea Theater, featuring Noel Allain. This version is a solo show, with video consultant Jeanette Oi-Suk Yew, dollhouse set by Jei Olson and puppets constructed by Kyra Miller. Special dramaturgical consultant Jenny Mercein.
“BlueBeardGasLight” is [very] loosely based on a real-life married couple of folklorists and imagines a woman, accompanied in her work by her husband, suddenly doubting the bedrock of her marriage. As her suspicion and his secrecy begin to overwhelm her, her thinking about the fairy tale "Blue Beard" (the subject of her writing) begins to clarify. Alone in her children's abandoned nursery at night, she uses their toys and dolls to do "embodied research," exploring the murky emotional territory she cannot discuss with her husband.
Photos by Jody Christopherson.
BlueBeardGasLight in its solo iteration was invited to be part of the So-Fi Festival this June at Westbeth (Bell Labs Board Room). In co-production with The Muse Project.
Saturday, 6/15 at 8:30 and Tuesday, 6/18 at 7.
Tix here:
Muse Project at the Flea in Tribeca: “Blue Beard Gas Light,” a work in progress, featuring me and Noel Allain, co-written by me and Katie Pearl, who is also directing. The Muse Project’s festival of mini-projects lasts all week; my showings are 10/16 at 3 and 10/17 at 7. Link for tix here; Discount code KYRA10. See you at the Flea! (puppets below — made by Kyra)
Kyra has been commissioned by The Muse Project to make a piece for the Mini-Muse Festival at the Flea this coming October, 2018.
April 2017 -- Kyra is playing Rebecca in Rags at Theaterworks Silicon Valley. Nominated for best actress in a musical by the San Francisco Bay Area Theatre Critics Circle. (Click here for a fun interview I did with Syche Phillips about being a working actress and mother.)
"Miller is an awe-inspiring amalgam of clear-eyed determination and maternal ferocity, and her sung performance is every bit as lush as predecessor Stratas, or Julia Migenes from the recording." -SFExaminer
"...moments of startling lyricism. In her rendition of “Blame It on the Summer Night,” the musical’s sultriest and most melodic tune, Miller writes a whole language out of different ways to fade out of a phrase. At its culmination, her clarion voice blends bewitchingly with the sound from the 10-person orchestra; it’s as if, to convey her confusing new feelings for Saul, her larynx cannot be limited by the human voice alone." -SFGate
Bridge & Tunnel Troubadour: Bruce, Billy and Brooklyn (written by Kyra Miller, directed by Barb Jungr, music director Tracy Stark). Pangea, 178 2nd Ave. bet 11th &12th St., NYC 10003
May: graduated with a certificate to teach the Alexander Technique. AmSAT certification, 1600 hours. Balance Arts Center, NYC.
May: new audiobook! LABOR OF LOVE, by Moira Weigel, published by Farrar, Straus & Giroux. Listen to a sample on Amazon.
November: Third audiobook recorded! POOR YOUR SOUL, by Mira Ptacin, published by Soho Press. Listen to a sample on Amazon.
June: Second audiobook recorded! THE MAN IN THE MONSTER, by Martha Elliott, published by Penguin Random House. Listen to a sample on Amazon.
March: First audiobook recorded! RECIPES FOR A BEAUTIFUL LIFE, by Rebecca Barry, published by Simon & Schuster. Listen to a sample on Amazon.
New show! BLESS THE TELEPHONE, Sunday(s) November 23 & 30, at The Metropolitan Room. 9:30 pm. Tickets available here.
Return to Joe’s Pub! CHOSEN, Monday, March 31, 9:30 pm. Tickets on sale now— $15.
This will be the last time for a while for this only-slightly-varnished, autobiographical tale about overgrown ambition, dark fairy tales and Slavic aestheticians, to the tune of the most moving songs ever written. With the wonderful Matt Ray on piano, and special guest Laura Brenneman on vocals.
Critics’ Pick, NYMag, 1/21/14 (right between Neutral Milk Hotel and Carol Channing!):
Joe’s Pub debut, CHOSEN, Tuesday January 21st, 7:30 pm. Tickets on sale now— $15 in advance, $20 at the door. “A classic New York story about blind ambition, fairy tales, Rabbis, baseball, and electrolysis.”
— Prelude Festival, October 3rd, 2013. CUNY Graduate Center. The Woodshed Collective, “The Office Project.”
– Solo show at the Metropolitan Room, 34 W.22nd St., Tuesday, July 16th, 7 pm.
– Currently: contributing writer to in-development, as-yet-untitled Woodshed Collective piece, coming March 2014.
– April: Performed in the “Hell on Wheels” segment of the first AMC upfronts.
— Currently working towards becoming a certified teacher of the Alexander Technique, studying with Cathy Madden in Seattle and Ann Rodiger in NYC.
— March 2012: Big Easy Award for best actress in a musical (Aldonza, “The Man of La Mancha,” New Orleans).
— November, 2011 — 5-week guest contract, Tulane University. (Chekhov intensive)
— Academic year 2010-11: Tulane University, Visiting Assistant Professor (taught acting, voice and movement, with a focus on scene work in the four major Chekhov plays.)