BlueBeardGasLight “3.0” premiered in March 2022, as a belated showing for the 2019-20 cohort of the Object Movement Festival.
This is the link to the longer 17-minute version that was shown at the Center at West Park.
Version 4.0 coming in 2025, (password kyramillerpuffin) with videography by Fiona Small and Paul Devlin, edited by Ryan Boera.
(credits in the 17-minute version: Written, directed, voiced and puppeteered by Kyra Miller. Set built by Jei Olson. Puppets and set design by Kyra Miller. Creepy guy: Jay Dunn. Music: Yarn/Wire “Molten Trees” by Klaus Lang. Special thanks to Alex Podulke and Brian Gillespie, as well as to curators Rowan Magee, Justin Perkins, and Maiko Kikuchi.)
August, 2020. This is the most recent iteration of BlueBeardGasLight for the Object Movement Festival (2019-2020 cohort).
Written and with puppets made by Kyra Miller. Dollhouse set by Jei Olson. Puppeteering by Kyra Miller and Alex Podulke.
Our Object Movement cohort was meant to perform these shows live, but our festival became an online, filmed version of excerpts of our shows. With very special thanks to Brian Gillespie, who developed this piece with me all year, and to Luke Santy, who was our live tech operator; and to the curators at the Object Movement Festival, Rowan Magee, Maiko Kikuchi and Justin Perkins; and to Zachary Tomlinson.